
Showing posts from March, 2021

Episode 1: Počasí v březnu - Learn Czech from the News


Pronouncing consonants in Czech

 Good news today! There are several Czech consonants that have the same sound as the ones in English: b d f g l m n s v z The following consonants have sounds that also exist in English, but are represented by different letters : c -  ts in sits č -  ch in March j y in yes š sh in shock Similar to English: k, p, t -  never aspirated! h  always voiced, as in hat ž similar to s in vision  r rolled, like in Spanish Non-existent in English: ď almost d in dune, there should be a soft y-sound (as in yes) following the sound of d  ch ch in loch (Scottish) or Bach (German) ň almost n in new, there should be a soft y-sound (as in yes) following the sound of n  ř combine the sound of a (rolling) r and sh at the same time ť almost t in tune, there should be a soft y-sound (as in yes) following t...