
Showing posts from February, 2021

Pronouncing long vowels in Czech

  Today, I have something easy for you. Long vowels' sounds are the same as the short vowels :-) . They are only pronounced about 1,75 times as long! If you have not read the article on how to pronounce short vowels, click  HERE .  Long vowels are marked by an „accent“ ( č árka). This does NOT mean that the syllable is stressed, only that the sound of the vowel is longer. The meaning of the word can be different depending on the length of the vowel, so try to pronounce the difference between a long and a short vowel clearly. Á as  a  in Prague É as  ea  in pear Í as  ee  in see Ó  as  o  in more Ú  as  oo  in cool Ů the same as ú Ý  as y in very

Pronouncing short vowels in Czech

Czech language has six vowels A, E, I, O, U, Y just as English. The word vowel is called samohláska in Czech.  When pronouncing, we distinguish between short and long vowels.  In this lesson, we will only look at the short vowels, while the long ones will be discussed the next time. A as a in father E as e in ten I as y in happy O as o in hot, but more rounded U as u in put Y as y in very

Hello and Welcome

Hello and Welcome, I am Monika Antosova and I run this blog to help you learn and improve your Czech language.  On this platform, I will be sharing a variety of exercises, texts and useful tips and tricks to make your journey to speak Czech fluently fast and enjoyable.  If you have any ideas on what you would love to learn or any other questions, just let me know in the comment section.  S pozdravem Monika